
Villa & Fritidshus specialists.

Whether it’s a stuga in Fjällen or a villa in Skärgården we are adept at creating high quality architecture, carefully crafted around your specific needs, aspirations, site and budget.

We can help.

Maybe you have a dream. Maybe you need more space. Maybe you‘re not sure if you even need an Arkitekt! We can support with all aspects of your project.


Maybe you have a plot and want to explore possibilities. We are adept at strategic planning and identifying development opportunities.


Don’t settle for average. We are skilled at creating unique, environmentally exemplar and beautiful buildings - designed specifically around your needs, aspirations and budget.

Interior Arkitektur.

We also do interiors. The Devil is in the Detail and we are expert at creating refined, tasteful and sometimes playful environments within which to live, work and rest.